Fancy playing chess at a beach resort? (Blue Chevaliers’-Phuket)

Fancy playing chess at a beach resort? (Blue Chevaliers’-Phuket)

I probably would love to go. But I am selfish and don’t want to share my vacation time with playing chess. I’d rather blog about the event and enjoy the beach and swimming pool. But that’s me. However there are many chess enthusiast that don’t share my thoughts and would enjoy both fighting out at…

Chess Pennies

Chess Pennies

My motivation for my websites (catur chess portal, gilachess blogs, chess calendar, chess formatted results, tournament websites – DATMO,Johor Open, Penang Open) was to fill the personal need to document chess happenings around me. However, over the years forgetting to pay renewal fees for webhosting and domain names resulted in losing many years of valuable…