Portugalera Ric continued his unbeatable streak by winning 6 games in a row.

This puts him a full point ahead of his nearest rival.

His latest victim being FM Mariano Nelson III who was seeded fifth at the start of the tournament. His wins are impressive as he has beaten the top two seeds.
In round 7 he will meet the 4th seed, FM Habla Jony. There are 3 more rounds to go for the Blue Chavaliers’ Open, Phuket.

In joint 2nd place are FM Habla Jony and Salvador Louie with 5 points.

In joint 3rd place are FM Mariano Nelson III and top seed FM Kulpruethanon Thanadon with 4.5 points.

Malaysian Ahmad Muzaffar is now ranked 9th after 6 rounds with 3 wins 2 draws and one loss.

Round 7 pairing

Pictures courtesy of : https://www.facebook.com/bluechevaliers

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